S.R. Strickland: writer, traveler, literature and theater enthusiast. Living in Europe for several years sparked her passion for storytelling. Crammed with dramatic ideas for narratives, she returned to the U.S. motivated to write. The Awakening of La Muse, her debut novel, takes place in Paris 1855 and explores the psychological evolution of a young American slave’s journey to freedom and the challenge of protecting her emancipation. La Muse received high praise from various reviewers, e.g., recommended by The US Review of Books and The Historical Novel Society. Her work served as the inspiration for a literary evening hosted by the Towne Street Theatre Group (TST) at the Stella Adler Theatre in Los Angeles in July 2019. The creation was also the focus of several book clubs in Los Angeles. Ms. Strickland’s latest completed manuscript is Orchids of Africa, and she is currently researching the sequel to The Awakening of La Muse.